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Handbook of Psychology, Assessment Psychology, Vol. 10
E. Aronow, K.A. Weiss, M. Reznikoff - The Tat In Clinical Practice
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This valuable book provides the student with a short, manageable, comprehensive guide to the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT), a major psychological measuring instrument. The TAT is effective in telling the clinician how the subject views the self and the world in his or her unique way. This sweeping introduction to this test as well as other lesser-known apperceptive techniques considers children, adolescents, and adults. and gives special attention to cross-cultural issues and the application of apperception techniques to minority populations. Additionally, the interesting history of apperception techniques, sample protocols, and the administration and interpretation of the tests are included.
The Rorschach, A Comprehensive System, Volume Two, Advanced Interpretation, 3rd Edition
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The fully revised and expanded edition of the premier guidebook to Interpreting the Rorschach
For the last three decades, Dr. John Exner's Comprehensive System has been the leading approach worldwide to administering and interpreting the Rorschach Inkblot Test. Comprised of three volumes, The Rorschach(r): A Comprehensive System is the authoritative reference for the administration, scoring, and interpretation of the Rorschach. This Third Edition of Volume Two: Advanced Interpretation, with new and updated information and case studies, provides an essential companion to the basic foundations and principles outlined in Volume One: Basic Foundations and Principles of Interpretation.
New to this edition:
* All-new case studies describing accurate use of the Rorschach in the assessment of children, adolescents, and adults in a variety of clinical and forensic settings
* New research developments
* New additions to Exner's Comprehensive System
* Expanded reference data, including nonpatient data
* Expanded coverage of the cluster approach to organizing data for interpretation
S.J.E. Lindsay & Graham E. Powell - The Handbook of Clinical Adult Psychology (2-nd edition)
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Fritz Perls a Berlino 1893-1933 - Espressionismo, psicoanalisi, ebraismo
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Richard Rosner - Principles and Practice of Forensic Psychiatry (Principles & Practices)
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