Ronald T. Brown - Handbook of Pediatric Psychology in School Settings

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In recent years the escalating costs of health care have caused managed care programs to shift the delivery of pediatric psychological services away from specialized medical centers and into primary care and school settings. One result has been a radical expansion of school psychology into issues of clinical intervention, health promotion, and the assessment of psychotropic medications. School psychologists are now expected to either deliver or (more likely) to provide consultation regarding a wide variety of pediatric psychological services. Because this is a recent phenomenon, very few school-based psychologists or allied health practitioners (school counselors and social workers) have received training in pediatric psychology. The mission of this book is to provide them with a comprehensive and authoritative guide to their newly acquired responsibilities in such areas as psychotherapy, psychopharmacology, health promotion,

WISC-IV Clinical Assessment and Intervention (2-nd edition)

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The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children: Fourth Edition (WISC-IV) is one of the most often used measures to assess intelligence and cognitive functions in children, ages 6-16 years. The second edition of the WISC-IV Clinical Assessment and Intervention will include new information obtained from the clinical use of the WISC-IV in practice. Information on the basic use of the assessment tool is condensed from three chapters into one, with four new chapters discussing how to use and interpret WISC-IV with additional clinical populations. These new populations include pervasive Developmental Disorders including autism, Social and emotional disorders, psychiatric disorders, and medical disorders that may affect intelligence. An additional new chapter discusses intervention planning across patient populations. Each of the chapters (revised original chapters and new chapters) will additionally include case studies including diagnosis and intervention.

Sharon L. Johnson - Therapist's Guide to Clinical Intervention: The 1-2-3's of Treatment Planning

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Therapist's Guide to Clinical Intervention, Second Edition is a must-have reference for clinicians completing insurance forms, participating in managed care, or practicing in treatment settings requiring formalized goals and treatment objectives. This practical, hands-on handbook outlines treatment goals and objectives for each type of psychopathology as defined by the diagnostic and statistical manual by the American Psychiatric Association, identifies skill-building resources, and provides samples of all major professional forms.

With over 30% new information, this new edition covers a variety of new special assessments including domestic violence, phobias, eating disorders, adult ADHD, and outpatient progress. New skill-building