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weak to be observed. But here a preliminary objection arises: How can the hallucination be of use in the study of normal perception, an operation which is produced by a cooperation of the senses and the mind? Is the hallucination not a sort of delirious conception which arises wholly from a diseased brain ? When we say to a hypnotized subject: There is a serpent! and when, looking at the ground, she sees the serpent crawling towards her, what is real, what is objective in this apparition? Such is the objection which may be made a priori. But by carefully observing the hypnotic hallucination (the only one we shall refer to), and also by replacing mere observation by experiment, we find that a part of sensation enters, if not always, at least often, into this phenomenon. This is perhaps not an absolute rule, but the case is very common. Here is a first experiment which proves this: We present a p...