The experiment - Film + Titra Shqip + Liber

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(Per ata qe duan ta shohin filmin me titra shqip, si fillim duhet ta shkarkojne ate, me pas duhet te shkarkojne dhe titrat shqip... link-u i shkarkimit te titrave ndodhet ne fund te postimit.)

Besoj se te gjithe ata qe kane studiuar psikologji e njohin eksperimentin e famshem te Stanford.  Philip Zimbardo kreu nje eksperiment me nje numer te caktuar meshkujsh te cilet i ndau ne : te burgosur dhe gardiane...   per me shume shikoni filmin ose shkarkoni librin.  Link-u i shkarkimit te librit ndodhet ne fund te postimit. Libri eshte ne versionin origjinal te tij.

The Experiment is an indie lke film that is a remake of a German film of the same name that was based on a novel by Mario Giordano which was based on a real experiment in Stanford. The film stars Adrien Brody and Forest Whitaker with a few other supporting actors in this almost-all-male cast.

The plot is basically about a group of people who volunteered to participate in a psychological experiment by dividing them into roles of guards and prisoners in a remote location. As anyone would expect, having this much testosterone in one place is enough to stir things up and cause chaos.
The film is not that great by any means, it has many flaws starting from the weak build up of the story, to the over acting done by some of the actors and especially Forest Whitaker. Still, it is one of those films where you don’t care about all these things and just enjoy watching it. It is a fun film to watch when you are not in the mood for something serious and it doesn’t feel boring at any time.

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