Depression & Suicide Explained, Chemical Imbalance

Psikoterapia : KURA e SHPIRTIT - Irena Hysenaj

Irena Hysenaj
Fragment terapie nga A. Adler shkeputur nga libri : " Historite qe Kurojne"
James Hillman

Cdo analizë psikoterapie përmban një pyetje e cila vjen nga vetë pacienti ose pyetja që terapisti i bën vetes kur ka përballë një pacient.

Pyetje që unë i bëj vetes është: “ cfarë tjetër kërkon pacienti në të vërtetë? Cfarë qëndron pas pyetjes që ka formuluar në fillim?”

Përgjigjet për këtë pyetje nuk janë asnjëherë aq të thjeshta si ato që lexojmë në libra ku thuhet se pacienti kërkon: “ ta duan” , apo “kërkon të clirohet nga një simptomë”, apo “kërkon të shpëtojë apo përmirësojë një marrëdhënie....”

The Power of EMPATHY

Cili është dallimi mes ndjeshmërisë dhe të kuptuarit ?

Na e shpjegon në një film vizatimor profesoresha Brené Brown nga Universiteti i Houston-it

[ Marre nga konferenca e saj 'The power of vulnerability' - Fuqia e cenueshmërisë]

BRENE BROWN - Fuqia e Cenueshmerise (me titra shqip)



Helen Fisher - Pse Dashurojme, Pse Tradhetojme

Nje leksion i mbajtur nga Helen Fisher. Pervec aspektit Shkencor sherben dhe si Informim ne lidhje me menyren e te menduarit gjate periudhes kur dashurojme dhe arsyet perse tradhetojme.

Me pak fjale. Nuk duhet humbur!

Martin Seligman - The New Era of Positive Psychology


Nje person ka prezantuar problematikun e tij ne Forumin e e "Klinika Venis" ku ka pershkruar gjendjen e tij dhe kerkon ndihme...

Jepni mendimin tuaj per gjendjen e tij dhe ofroni menyrat tuaja te trajtimit...

Te jesh Psikolog/Psikiater s'do te thote thjesht KAQ...


Pershendetje !
Al-Psy njofton per ekzistencen e nje Forum-i, shume esencial dhe te dobishem per formimin e psikologeve (kjo si pasoje e aktivizimit, shkembimit te mendimeve, shkembimit te eksperiencave, etj) por gjithashtu eshte nje forum i cili mundeson dhe ndihmen ndaj personave te cilet ndjejne problematike emocionale, sjellore dhe te te menduarit, te gjejne pergjigje/ndihme ne kete forum; duke shprehur problematiken e tyre apo duke pyetur per burimin/trajtimin e tyre.
Me pak fjale, eshte nje forum ne sherbim te cdokujt.

Faleminderit !!!

Jealosy Literatures (4)

Handbook of Jealousy: Theory, Research, and Multidisciplinary Approaches

Shakrko Librin

Lajmerim !

I'u kerkojme ndjese per mungese te tepert te literaturave te postuara (pa mundesi per t'i shkarkuar) por fatkeqesisht eshte demtuar "adresa" ku upload-oheshin keto literatura dhe si pasoje nje pjese e madhe e tyre mungojne...

Rikuperimi do te marre nje kohe te mjaftueshme, ndaj nese keni nevoje per dicka specifike... ju lutemi na shkruani ne Inbox dhe kerkesa juaj do plotesohet shume shpejt...

Me respekt... Al-Psy

Lawrence E. Hedges - The Relationship in Psychotherapy and Supervision

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The sea-change in our understanding of neurobiology, infant research, and interpersonal/relational psychology over the past two decades makes clear that we are first and foremost a relational species. This finding has massive implications for the relational processes involved in teaching and supervising psychotherapy. Clinical theory and technique can be taught didactically. But relationship can only be learned through careful attention to the supervisory encounter itself. This advanced text surveys the psychodynamic and relational processes involved in psychotherapy and supervision.

About the Author: Lawrence E. Hedges, Ph.D., Psy.D., ABPP is a psychologist-psychoanalyst in private practice in Orange, California, specializing in the training of psychotherapists and psychoanalysts. He is director of the Listening Perspectives Study Center and the founding director of the Newport Psychoanalytic Institute where he is a

Ronald T. Brown - Handbook of Pediatric Psychology in School Settings

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In recent years the escalating costs of health care have caused managed care programs to shift the delivery of pediatric psychological services away from specialized medical centers and into primary care and school settings. One result has been a radical expansion of school psychology into issues of clinical intervention, health promotion, and the assessment of psychotropic medications. School psychologists are now expected to either deliver or (more likely) to provide consultation regarding a wide variety of pediatric psychological services. Because this is a recent phenomenon, very few school-based psychologists or allied health practitioners (school counselors and social workers) have received training in pediatric psychology. The mission of this book is to provide them with a comprehensive and authoritative guide to their newly acquired responsibilities in such areas as psychotherapy, psychopharmacology, health promotion,

WISC-IV Clinical Assessment and Intervention (2-nd edition)

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The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children: Fourth Edition (WISC-IV) is one of the most often used measures to assess intelligence and cognitive functions in children, ages 6-16 years. The second edition of the WISC-IV Clinical Assessment and Intervention will include new information obtained from the clinical use of the WISC-IV in practice. Information on the basic use of the assessment tool is condensed from three chapters into one, with four new chapters discussing how to use and interpret WISC-IV with additional clinical populations. These new populations include pervasive Developmental Disorders including autism, Social and emotional disorders, psychiatric disorders, and medical disorders that may affect intelligence. An additional new chapter discusses intervention planning across patient populations. Each of the chapters (revised original chapters and new chapters) will additionally include case studies including diagnosis and intervention.

Sharon L. Johnson - Therapist's Guide to Clinical Intervention: The 1-2-3's of Treatment Planning

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Therapist's Guide to Clinical Intervention, Second Edition is a must-have reference for clinicians completing insurance forms, participating in managed care, or practicing in treatment settings requiring formalized goals and treatment objectives. This practical, hands-on handbook outlines treatment goals and objectives for each type of psychopathology as defined by the diagnostic and statistical manual by the American Psychiatric Association, identifies skill-building resources, and provides samples of all major professional forms.

With over 30% new information, this new edition covers a variety of new special assessments including domestic violence, phobias, eating disorders, adult ADHD, and outpatient progress. New skill-building

Mark A. Reinecke, Frank M. Dattilio, Arthur Freeman, Cristy Lopez, Gilbert Parra - Cognitive Therapy with Children and Adolescents, Second Edition: A Casebook for Clinical Practice

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This clinically oriented casebook and text presents empirically supported interventions for a wide range of child and adolescent problems. Leading cognitive-behavioral therapists demonstrate assessment and treatment approaches that have been carefully adapted--or specially designed--to meet the needs of young patients. Following a consistent format, each chapter reviews the relevant literature and presents an extended case example bringing to life what an experienced therapist might do, why, and how to do it.

"Real Time" - Obsessive Compulsive Dsiorder

Martin M. Anthony - Handbook of Assessment Planning for Psychologichal Disorders

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This comprehensive reference and text provides detailed guidelines for conducting multimodal assessments of individuals suffering from frequently encountered psychological disorders. The contributors, leading scientist-practitioners, address the growing need for assessment approaches that are brief, easy to implement, and psychometrically sound. Tools and techniques considered include structured and semi-structured interviews, self-report measures, psychophysiological measures, observational techniques, and more. Of crucial importance, the book also demonstrates how assessment results can effectively be used in planning evidence-based interventions and monitoring the outcome of treatment.

Sample Assessmet Report

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Kliko Lexo me shume>>>>

Learn English - New headway [Upper Intermediate]

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* New Headway English Course now provides a seamless syllabus progression from beginner to upper-intermediate level.
* It takes a clear and structured approach to grammar. Grammatical structures are introduced in context, with questions that encourage students to work out the rules for themselves. A comprehensive ‘Grammar section’ at the back of the Student’s Books provides a useful reference before, during or after the lesson.
* A well-defined vocabulary syllabus concentrates on three key areas: learning new words in lexical sets; acquiring good habits for learning vocabulary; and developing vocabulary ‘systems’ such as sound and spelling relationships.
* Integrated skills work is an important feature of the course. In every unit the reading and listening activities contextualize and bring together much previously introduced language. The choice of interesting texts, together with manageable, motivating tasks ensure students develop fluency and accuracy in all four skills.

Richard Griggs - Psychology A Concise Introduction - 3rd Edition

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"The most affordable introductory psychology textbook in the market.""" "Psychology: A Concise Introduction" explores the broad territory of the introductory psychology course while answering the growing need for a shorter, less expensive book.
At less than half the price of a standard textbook, it offers an affordable alternative.
A built-in Study Guide, written by the author, offers a practical suite of learning aids that foster review and self-assessment without the expense of a separate guide.

Naomi Murphy, Des McVey - Treating Personality Disorder

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This book considers personality disorders and how they are treated within the institutional context of prisons and hospitals and offers practical guidance on assessment, formulation and integrated treatment planning.

Treating Personality Disorder offers contributions from professionals in psychiatry, nursing and psychology as well as prison officers and service managers and areas of discussion include:
delivering integrated treatment to people with personality disorders
issues and challenges for the clinical professional
the role of the psychiatrist in treating personality disorder

In Treatment Laura week one (Seasson 1, Episode 1)

Laura reveals a sexual transgression. When Dr. Weston challenges Laura's reason for her actions Laura confides a secret she'd been withholding for nearly a year.

Kliko "Lexo me shume" per te pare seancen !!!

Depresioni dhe Vetevrasja - Interviste ne Top Channel

Depresioni dhe Vetevrasja - Interviste ne Top Channel

Te ftuar : Sadik Lala (Psikiater) & Artemisa Shehu (Psikologe Klinike)

Psikologet Ligjore - Interviste ne Top Channel

Psikologet Ligjore - Interviste ne Top Channel

GAF - Global Assessment of Fuctioning Scale

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GAF - Global Assessment of Fuctioning Scale...   I domosdoshem dhe gjithmone i nevojshem...  Eshte vete Aksi V

Glen O. Gabbard - The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Psychoanalysis

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The comprehensive The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Psychoanalysisis the only textbook of its kind in this distinguished field. Both a clinical guide and a reference book, this essential text focuses not only on psychoanalytic theory and treatment but also on developmental issues, research, and the many ways in which theoretical psychoanalysis intersects with contiguous disciplines.

The editors, recognized experts in the field, have brought together a remarkable 39 distinguished contributors whose broad-based interests make this textbook a unique reference for interdisciplinary psychoanalysis. The textbook provides an overall view of the methodology of psychoanalytic intervention, covering core concepts, developmental theory, treatment and techniques, research, and history, and concludes with an extensive glossary and name and subject indexes.

Michael J. Zvolensky - Anxiety in Health Behaviors and Physical Illness

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The amount of research on the prevalence and nature of various forms of anxiety disorders, problematic health behaviors, and physical illness has significantly accumulated, yet there has been no systematic integration of the research in science and practice. Anxiety in Health Behaviors and Physical Illness is a single resource that offers theoretical perspectives and reviews of research on the link between health behaviors and physical illness to anxiety. The authors explore the idea of reciprocal relations between anxiety and health factors throughout the developmental course. Special attention is devoted to the mechanisms by which certain health factors (e.g. physical exercise) may play a role in the onset or maintenance of particular anxiety disorders.
 Anxiety in Health Behavior and Physical Illness Edited by Michael J. Zvolensky, University of Vermont Jasper A. J. Smits, Southern Methodist University While the links between physical illness and depression have been well-documented and analyzed, little has been made of the data relating physical illness to anxiety—until now.