Lawrence E. Hedges - The Relationship in Psychotherapy and Supervision

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The sea-change in our understanding of neurobiology, infant research, and interpersonal/relational psychology over the past two decades makes clear that we are first and foremost a relational species. This finding has massive implications for the relational processes involved in teaching and supervising psychotherapy. Clinical theory and technique can be taught didactically. But relationship can only be learned through careful attention to the supervisory encounter itself. This advanced text surveys the psychodynamic and relational processes involved in psychotherapy and supervision.

About the Author: Lawrence E. Hedges, Ph.D., Psy.D., ABPP is a psychologist-psychoanalyst in private practice in Orange, California, specializing in the training of psychotherapists and psychoanalysts. He is director of the Listening Perspectives Study Center and the founding director of the Newport Psychoanalytic Institute where he is a supervising and training psychoanalyst. He holds faculty appointments at The California Graduate Institute, The University of California Irvine Medical School, the Department of Psychiatry, and the Newport Psychoanalytic Institute. Dr. Hedges is author of numerous papers and books on the practice of psychoanalytic psychotherapy including Listening Perspectives in Psychotherapy; Terrifying Transferences: Aftershocks of Childhood Trauma; andFacing the Challenge of Liability in Psychotherapy: Practicing Defensively.

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