David Clark - Cognitive - Bejavioral Therapy for OCD

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This authoritative book reviews current cognitive-behavioral models of OCD and delineates an innovative, theoretically and empirically grounded approach to assessment and treatment. Leading scientist-practitioner David A. Clark first elaborates and refines existing theories of obsessions and compulsions. He then spells out effective strategies for assessing client needs, developing a clear case formulation, implementing an array of cognitive and behavioral interventions, and troubleshooting potential difficulties. Illustrated with extensive clinical material, the volume is practical and user-friendly. Reproducible appendices feature over a dozen rating scales, client handouts, and homework tasks.

Richard Heuer - Psychology of Inteligence Analysis

This volume pulls together and republishes, with some editing, updating, and additions, articles written during 1978-86 for internal use within the CIA Directorate of Intelligence. Four of the articles also appeared in the Intelligence Community journal Studies in Intelligence during that time frame. The information is relatively timeless and still relevant to the never-ending quest for better analysis.

The articles are based on reviewing cognitive psychology literature concerning how people process information to make judgments on incomplete and ambiguous information. I selected the experiments and findings that seem most relevant to intelligence analysis and most in need of communication to intelligence analysts. I then translated the technical reports into language that intelligence analysts can understand and interpreted the relevance of these findings to the problems intelligence analysts face.

The result is a compromise that may not be wholly satisfactory to either research psychologists or intelligence analysts. Cognitive psychologists and decision analysts may complain of oversimplification, while the non-psychologist reader may have to absorb some new terminology. Unfortunately, mental processes are so complex that discussion of them does require some specialized vocabulary. Intelligence analysts who have read and thought seriously about the nature of their craft should have no difficulty with this book. Those who are plowing virgin ground may require serious effort.

Allan Pease - Body Language

Allan Pease - Body Language

This international bestseller reveals the secrets of nonverbal communication to give you confidence and control in any face-to-face encounter–from making a great first impression and acing a job interview to finding the right partner.

It is a scientific fact that people’s gestures give away their true intentions. Yet most of us don’t know how to read body language–and don’t realize how our own physical movements speak to others. Now the world’s foremost experts on the subject share their techniques for reading body language signals to achieve success in every area of life.

Drawing upon more than thirty years in the field, as well as cutting-edge research from evolutionary biology, psychology, and medical technologies that demonstrate what happens in the brain, the authors examine each component of body language and give you the basic vocabulary to read attitudes and emotions through behavior.

• How palms and handshakes are used to gain control
• The most common gestures of liars

Lini komentin tuaj...

Nese keni ndonje preference persa u perket literaturave shkencore, librave artistike, etj... lini komentin tuaj dhe brenda dites do te postohet literatura qe ju keni kerkuar...

Cdo liber mundesohet vetem ne gjuhen Angleze (disa prej tyre dhe ne gjuhen Italiane).

Kliko ne "Lini komentin tuaj..." -(titulli i postimit) ne menyre qe te mundesohet lenia e komentit.  (menyra e lenies se komentit eshte e njejte per te gjitha postimet).


Irvin Yalom - The Gift of Therpy


The Gift of Therapy is the culmination of master psychiatrist Dr Irvin Yalom's thirty-five years' work as a therapist, illustrating through real case studies how patients and therapists alike can get the most out of therapy. Presented as eighty-five 'tips' for 'beginner therapists', Yalom shares his own fresh approach and the insights he has gained while treating his patients. Personal, and sometimes provocative, Yalom makes some unorthodox suggestions, including: Let the patient matter to you; Acknowledge your errors; Create a new therapy for each patient; Make home visits; (Almost) never make decisions for a patient; and Freud was not always wrong.
This is an entertaining, informative and insightful read for both beginners and more experienced therapists, patients, students and everyone with an interest in the subject.

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Carl Jung - Memories, Dreams, Reflection.

Carl Jung - Memories, Dreams, Reflection.

Nje nder librat me te bukur te Jung.  Ne plan te pare duket teresisht si teoria e tij, por, nese e sheh me nje sy kritik duket si nje liber dedikuar teresisht kundershtise qe Jung kishte per interpretimin e enderave qe Freud bente.

Ky liber, ndryshe nga libri qe Freud ka bere per intepretimin e enderave, e le teresisht jashte instiktin seksual dhe seksualitetin ne teresi.

Me teorine e tij te Arketipeve dhe Te pandergjegjshmen Kolektive, Jung tenton dhe pretendon se intepretimi i enderave behet vetem nga klienti... psikologu thjesht sa e udhezon ate per te mos humbur ne rruge te cilat e largojne nga qendra e domethenies se enderes se tij.

Me pak fjale, nje keshilluesi i duhet ne biblioteken e tij... :D

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Sigmund Freud - The Interpretation of Dreams

Sigmund Freud - The Interpretation of Dreams.
Nje nder librat me te kritikuar por dhe me unik.  Sipas Freud, ne ender shohim simbolikat e deshirave te paplotesuara seksuale, deshirat qe nuk i plotesuam sic ne deshironim.

Ky liber ka pesuar ndryshime rrenjesore persa i perket permbajtjes se tij.  Neofrojdistet kane bere ndryshime per ta pershtatur ate me ditet e sotme dhe per ta bere me te pranueshem, por qe ne fakt kane sjelle dicka boshe dhe pa force per te sjelle ndryshime te gjithellojshem tek individi.

Gjithsesi, ngelet nje liber unik.  Nje liber qe mjafton ta lexosh, dhe me pas do futesh ne dhomat me te erreta te qenies tende.  Do dyshosh per gjithcka dhe do gjesh sekrete qe deri me dje ishin thjesht "asgje".

Kuptohet, qe ta "shijosh" kete liber, duhet te mos kesh frike per te njohur veten... me pak fjale...  TENTONI TE RREZIKONI !

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