The experiment - Film + Titra Shqip + Liber

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(Per ata qe duan ta shohin filmin me titra shqip, si fillim duhet ta shkarkojne ate, me pas duhet te shkarkojne dhe titrat shqip... link-u i shkarkimit te titrave ndodhet ne fund te postimit.)

Besoj se te gjithe ata qe kane studiuar psikologji e njohin eksperimentin e famshem te Stanford.  Philip Zimbardo kreu nje eksperiment me nje numer te caktuar meshkujsh te cilet i ndau ne : te burgosur dhe gardiane...   per me shume shikoni filmin ose shkarkoni librin.  Link-u i shkarkimit te librit ndodhet ne fund te postimit. Libri eshte ne versionin origjinal te tij.

The Experiment is an indie lke film that is a remake of a German film of the same name that was based on a novel by Mario Giordano which was based on a real experiment in Stanford. The film stars Adrien Brody and Forest Whitaker with a few other supporting actors in this almost-all-male cast.

Harvard University - Positive Psicholgy Lecture (Lecture 12)

Leksione mbi Psikologjine Pozitive nga Universiteti i Harvardit.... Leksioni 12.

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Harvard University - Positive Psicholgy Lecture (Lecture 11)

Leksione mbi Psikologjine Pozitive nga Universiteti i Harvardit.... Leksioni 11.

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Alfred Binet - The Development of Intelligence in Children

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The Development of Intelligence In Children by Alfred Binet and Th. Simon, translated by Elizabeth S. Kite; and The Intelligence of the Feeble-Minded by Alfred Binet and Th. Simon, translated by Elizabeth S. Kite. One can not speak too favorably of the translation of these two volumes. They contain practically all that Binet ever wrote regarding his scale for measuring intelligence. Not only that but they also contain enough of basal and corroborative discussion to show his broad concept of the problem with which he dealt. One can only regret that the translations have had to wait until so many are sufficiently familiar with test methods to feel that they need not read these, the fundamental and initial discussions of intelligence testing. The translation is sincere and faithful. The personality of the group editing the books has everywhere been suppressed in favor of an unbiased reproduction. A comparison with the originals indicates that one loses practically none of the thought or spirit in the translation. The charm of the style found in the original could
scarcely be reproduced in another language. In all the translation consists of eight separate articles. The first article is actually a justification of the Binet-Simon tests.

Rusell Barkley (UC Davis, Mind Institute) - Management of ADHD (Leksion)

Management of ADHD.

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Inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity are the key behaviors of ADHD. It is normal for all children to be inattentive, hyperactive, or impulsive sometimes, but for children with ADHD, these behaviors are more severe and occur more often. To be diagnosed with the disorder, a child must have symptoms for 6 or more months and to a degree that is greater than other children of the same age.

Children who have symptoms of inattention may:
Be easily distracted, miss details, forget things, and frequently switch from one activity to another
Have difficulty focusing on one thing
Become bored with a task after only a few minutes, unless they are doing something enjoyable