Shindler's List - Film (me titra shqip)

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Ndoshta nuk eshte film i zhanerit psikologjik, por me plote te drejte mund ta quajme "film qe te ndryshon menyren e te menduarit".  Psikologet me formim "Egzistencialist" perditojne shume nga ky film.  Eshte nje film qe trondit teresisht logjiken njerezore dhe deperton ne deshirat me te erreta dhe reagimet me te pamenduara te njeriut.

Gjithashtu mund te themi, nepermjet filmin do te mund te njohim me shume veten, humanitetin tone dhe pjesen kafsherore, fshehur thelle ne te pavetedijshmen.

Në Poloni gjatë Luftës së Dytë Botërore, Oskar Schindler gradualisht fillon të shqetësohet për fuqinë punëtore të tij çifute, pasi përjeton persekutimet e tyre nga nazistët.
Ky film mban vendin e 7-të në rënditjen botërore të filmave më të mirë! Fituesi i 7-të çmimeve Oskar dhe i 70 çmimeve të tjera.

Irwin Yalom - When Nietzsche Wept - Book (Greqisht)

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Freud's mentor, Josef Breuer, attempts to cure Friedrich Nietzsche of suicidal despair in the clinics, cemeteries, and coffeehouses of 19th-century Vienna--in this first novel by the author of the bestselling Love's Executioner: an entertaining and highly original tale of an uncompromising friendship between two brilliant men. Distinguished physician, renowned scientist, beloved husband and father, Josef Breuer finds himself at 40 simultaneously at the crest of his professional life and near the bottom of a pit of incomprehensible despair. Cursed with nightmares, insomnia, and obsessive sexual fantasies of his former patient, Anna O. (whom he cured, miraculously if temporarily, through a new technique called ``talk therapy''), Breuer welcomes the distraction when the imperious future psychoanalyst Lou Salom‚ demands that he use talk therapy to cure the suicidal depression of her friend, Friedrich Nietzsche. Because the poverty-ridden, unknown philosopher is too proud to accept spiritual help from anyone, Breuer must somehow cure the
younger man without his knowledge--but the physician welcomes the challenge, and soon solves it by posing

Kanuni i Leke Dukagjinit

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E drejta zakonore eshte nje kategori historike shoqerore qe ka lindur qe ne fazat e para te diferencimit klasor, kur u be i domosdoshem rregullimi juridik i maredhenieve dhe sjelljeve te njerezve ne bashkesine shoqerore. Kjo nevoje e zhvillimit te njerezimit patjeter qe gjeti pasqyrim edhe ne shoqerine shqiptare. Ne vite ne Shqiperi vepruan nje sere rregullash sjelljeje duke formuar te drejten zakonore shqiptare. Kjo bashkesi rregullash per shkak te territorit ne te cilin kane vepruar eshte njohur me emrat Kanuni i Leke Dukagjinit, Kanuni i Laberise dhe Kanuni i Skenderbeut. Kanuni i Leke Dukagjinit eshte mbledhur ne dhjetevjecarin e pare te shekullit te XX nga kleriku katolik Shtjefen Gjecovi. Per te pare se si eshte rregulluar istituti i pavlefshmerise se veprimeve juridike sipas kesaj te drejte do ti referohemi pikerisht shkrimit qe i ka bere ketyre normave Shtjefen Gjecovi.  Duhet thene qe ne fillim se e drejta e detyrimeve ne kete permbledhje ze nje vend relativisht te vogel qe vjen si pasoje fillimisht, e kufizimit te maredhenieve kontraktore e ekonomike te kohes si edhe per shkak se, sic pranohet edhe nga studiuesit e

Aristotle - The Athenian Constitution

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Aristotle - The Athenian Constitution.

The Athenian Constitution is both a history and an analysis of Athens political machinery between the seventh and fourth centuries BC, which stands as a model of democracy at a time when city-states lived under differing kinds of government. The writer recounts the major reforms of Solon, the rule of the tyrant Pisistratus and his sons, the emergence of the democracy in which power was shared by all free male citizens, and the leadership of Pericles and the demagogues who followed him. He goes on to examine the city s administration in his own time the council, the officials and the judicial system. For its information on Athens development and how the democracy worked, The Athenian Constitution is an invaluable source of knowledge about the Athenian city-state.

Ivan P. Pavlov - Conditioned Reflexes

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Ivan Petrovich Pavlov (1849-1936) was a Russian physiologist, psychologist, and physician, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1904 for research pertaining to the digestive system.

"Pavlov's dogs" have an almost legendary status in textbooks on psychology. What he did was to perform an operation on the dogs consisting of "the transplantation of the opening of the salivary duct from its natural place on the mucous membrane of the mouth to the outside skin." Thus, he was able to "precisely" measure their rate of salivation for his experiments, and condition them to salivate at the ringing of a bell, which preceded their being fed. (Later, he admitted that "This method naturally suffers from fundamental disadvantages, since it involves the roughest forms of mechanical interference and the crude dismembering of an organ of a most delicate structure and function.")

Here are some representative quotations from his book:
Conditioned reflexes "proceed according to rigid laws as do any other physiological processes, and must be regarded as being in every sense a part of the physiological activity of living beings."

Tentoj te akuzoj se vajza ka qene e padegjuar... tentoj te akuzoj se populli im nuk deshiron te kulturohet... tentoj te akuzoj se Psikologu eshte thjesht nje figure luksi dhe jo nje profesion qe te jete ne frontin ballor te luftes per mireqenien psikologjike te njerezimit... TENTOJ !!!

Një 19-vjeçare ka humbur jetën sot herët në mëngjes, pasi është hedhur nga kati i katërt i një pallati në lagjen 7 të qytetit të Durrësit.
Viktima është Glentiana Sura dhe mësohet se viktima humbi jetën në spitali.
Policia bëri të ditur se vajza jetonte me prindërit në një shtëpi private. Mësohet se pak pasi është ngritur nga gjumi Gentina ka kapërcyer rrugën dhe është ngjitur në pallatin shumëkatësh përballë shtëpisë së saj. Sipas hetimeve të policisë, në momentin që vajza ka arritur në sheshin e pushimit në katit të katërt, është hedhur prej aty nga lartësia disa metra. 19-vjeçarja është dërguar me urgjencë në spitalin e Durrësit, por fatkeqësisht për shkak të plagëve të shumta ka gjetur vdekjen.
Policia ngre pistën e parë, dyshon se vajza është vetëvrarë.
Të kontaktuar nga efektivët, familjarët e Gentinës mohojnë të kenë pasur ndonjë konflikt apo debat me vajzën e tyre.
Ata ndodhen në gjendje të shokuar, ndërsa mbeten ende mister arsyet që mund të kenë çuar vajzën në vendimin e ekstrem të vetëvrasjes.

Teza e Provimit kryer nga studentet pjesemarres ne Leksionet per Psikologjine Pozitive te Harvard University.

Nese doni ta shkarkoni (per te mos i bere copy paste nga Blog-u), link-u i shkarkimit ndodhet ne fund te postimit.

Psychology 1504: Positive Psychology
Spring 2006 – Midterm Exam
Professor Tal Ben-Shahar

Directions:  30 multiple choice questions (1pt. each) and 4 short answer questions (5pts. each).  **All answers should be recorded on the separate answer sheet.**  GOOD LUCK!

Multiple Choice:
1.  Maslow writes about D-love and B-love; the “D” in D-love stands for:
A.  dependency.
B.  diffusive.

George Albert Coe - The Psychology of Religion

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From the Preface: This work is intended primarily as a handbook for beginners in the psychological analysis of religion. The foremost concern, therefore, has been to make clear the nature of the problems, the kinds of data, the methods of research, and the achieved results. The justification for attempting such a handbook lies partly in the inherent difficulty of analyzing religious experience, and partly in conditions that grow out of the extreme youth of the psychology of religion. We are still in the beginnings-plural-of this enterprise.

Prezantimet Power Point te perdorura ne leksionet e Harvard University. (8 - 13)

Link-u i shkarkimit te prezantimeve Power Point ndodhet ne fund te postimit.

Sic edhe premtuam, Al-Psy ofron prezantimet ne Power Point, qe jane perdorur nga Pedagogu ne prezantimin e leksioneve per Psikologjine Pozitive. Pedagogu quhet Tal Ben-Shahar dhe eshte pedagog me kohe te plote ne Harvard University.

Tal Ben-Shahar discusses current research on the science of happiness and introduces ideas and tools that can actually make a difference in one's life.
The study of happiness or of enhancing the quality of our lives, has been dominated by pop-psychology (much charisma, but relatively little substance) and academia (much substance, but isolated from most people's everyday lives). Positive Psychology, the scientific study of optimal human functioning, creates a bridge between the Ivory Tower and Main Street, making rigorous academic ideas accessible to all. Tal Ben-Shahar, instructor of the most popular course at Harvard

Harvard University - Positive Psicholgy Lecture (Lecture 13)

Leksione mbi Psikologjine Pozitive nga Universiteti i Harvardit.... Leksioni 13.

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The experiment - Film + Titra Shqip + Liber

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(Per ata qe duan ta shohin filmin me titra shqip, si fillim duhet ta shkarkojne ate, me pas duhet te shkarkojne dhe titrat shqip... link-u i shkarkimit te titrave ndodhet ne fund te postimit.)

Besoj se te gjithe ata qe kane studiuar psikologji e njohin eksperimentin e famshem te Stanford.  Philip Zimbardo kreu nje eksperiment me nje numer te caktuar meshkujsh te cilet i ndau ne : te burgosur dhe gardiane...   per me shume shikoni filmin ose shkarkoni librin.  Link-u i shkarkimit te librit ndodhet ne fund te postimit. Libri eshte ne versionin origjinal te tij.

The Experiment is an indie lke film that is a remake of a German film of the same name that was based on a novel by Mario Giordano which was based on a real experiment in Stanford. The film stars Adrien Brody and Forest Whitaker with a few other supporting actors in this almost-all-male cast.

Harvard University - Positive Psicholgy Lecture (Lecture 12)

Leksione mbi Psikologjine Pozitive nga Universiteti i Harvardit.... Leksioni 12.

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Harvard University - Positive Psicholgy Lecture (Lecture 11)

Leksione mbi Psikologjine Pozitive nga Universiteti i Harvardit.... Leksioni 11.

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Alfred Binet - The Development of Intelligence in Children

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The Development of Intelligence In Children by Alfred Binet and Th. Simon, translated by Elizabeth S. Kite; and The Intelligence of the Feeble-Minded by Alfred Binet and Th. Simon, translated by Elizabeth S. Kite. One can not speak too favorably of the translation of these two volumes. They contain practically all that Binet ever wrote regarding his scale for measuring intelligence. Not only that but they also contain enough of basal and corroborative discussion to show his broad concept of the problem with which he dealt. One can only regret that the translations have had to wait until so many are sufficiently familiar with test methods to feel that they need not read these, the fundamental and initial discussions of intelligence testing. The translation is sincere and faithful. The personality of the group editing the books has everywhere been suppressed in favor of an unbiased reproduction. A comparison with the originals indicates that one loses practically none of the thought or spirit in the translation. The charm of the style found in the original could
scarcely be reproduced in another language. In all the translation consists of eight separate articles. The first article is actually a justification of the Binet-Simon tests.

Rusell Barkley (UC Davis, Mind Institute) - Management of ADHD (Leksion)

Management of ADHD.

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Inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity are the key behaviors of ADHD. It is normal for all children to be inattentive, hyperactive, or impulsive sometimes, but for children with ADHD, these behaviors are more severe and occur more often. To be diagnosed with the disorder, a child must have symptoms for 6 or more months and to a degree that is greater than other children of the same age.

Children who have symptoms of inattention may:
Be easily distracted, miss details, forget things, and frequently switch from one activity to another
Have difficulty focusing on one thing
Become bored with a task after only a few minutes, unless they are doing something enjoyable

Developmental Psychopathology, 2-nd Edition, Volume 3-d.

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Developmental Psychopathology, Second Edition, contains in three volumes the most complete and current research on every aspect of developmental psychopathology. 
This seminal reference work features contributions from national and international expert researchers and clinicians who bring together an array of interdisciplinary work to ascertain how multiple levels of analysis may influence individual differences, the continuity or discontinuity of patterns and the pathways by which the same developmental outcomes may be achieved.

Developmental Psychopathology, Volume 3, Risk, Disorder, and Adaptation provides a life span developmental perspective on "high-risk" conditions and mental disorders. Moreover, it examines developmental pathways to resilient adaptation in the face of adversity.

Handbook of Child Psychology, Vol 4, 6-th edition

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Handbook of Child Psychology

Part of the authoritative four-volume reference that spans the entire field of child development and has set the standard against which all other scholarly references are compared. Updated and revised to reflect the new developments in the field, the Handbook of Child Psychology, Sixth Edition contains new chapters on such topics as spirituality, social understanding, and non-verbal communication.
Volume 4: Child Psychology in Practice, edited by K. Ann Renninger, Swarthmore College, and Irving E. Sigel, Educational Testing Service, covers child psychology in clinical and educational practice. New topics addressed include educational assessment and evaluation, character education, learning disabilities, mental retardation, media and popular culture, children's health and parenting.

Alfred Binet - The Psychology of Reasoning

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This is an OCR edition with typos. Excerpt from book: CHAPTER III. REASONING IN PERCEPTION. In external perception the images which arise in us from contact with objects derive a group of properties from their origin which are entirely wanting in isolated images, which we studied in the preceding chapter. Directly suggested by exterior impressions, they associate themselves organically with these impressions, so as to form an indivisible whole which corresponds to the idea of a single object. By means of this sensory bond each image consequently undergoes all the modifications which the sensation directly experiences. Practically, as regards the observer, it behaves like a true sensation. The chapter which follows might therefore be entitled: '' The properties of images which are associated with sensations. In the study of these phenomena we shall turn once more to hypnotic hallucinations, for in the normal state they are too

Alfred Binet - A teachers' manual for the use of the Binet-Simon scale of intelligence

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This book was originally published prior to 1923, and represents a reproduction of an important historical work, maintaining the same format as the original work. While some publishers have opted to apply OCR (optical character recognition) technology to the process, we believe this leads to sub-optimal results (frequent typographical errors, strange characters and confusing formatting) and does not adequately preserve the historical character of the original artifact. We believe this work is culturally important in its original archival form. While we strive to adequately clean and digitally enhance the original work, there are occasionally instances where imperfections such as blurred or missing pages, poor pictures or errant marks may have been introduced due to either the quality of the original work or the scanning process itself. Despite these occasional imperfections, we have brought it back into print as part of our ongoing global book

Harvard University - Positive Psicholgy Lecture (Lecture 10)

Leksione mbi Psikologjine Pozitive nga Universiteti i Harvardit.... Leksioni 10.

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Harvard University - Positive Psicholgy Lecture (Lecture 9)

Leksione mbi Psikologjine Pozitive nga Universiteti i Harvardit.... Leksioni 9.

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Harvard University - Positive Psicholgy Lecture (Lecture 8)

Leksione mbi Psikologjine Pozitive nga Universiteti i Harvardit.... Leksioni 8.

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Prezantimet Power Point te perdorura ne leksionet e Harvard University. (1 - 7)

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Sic edhe premtuam, Al-Psy ofron prezantimet ne Power Point, qe jane perdorur nga Pedagogu ne prezantimin e leksioneve per Psikologjine Pozitive.  Pedagogu quhet Tal Ben-Shahar dhe eshte pedagog me kohe te plote ne Harvard University.

Tal Ben-Shahar discusses current research on the science of happiness and introduces ideas and tools that can actually make a difference in one's life.
The study of happiness or of enhancing the quality of our lives, has been dominated by pop-psychology (much charisma, but relatively little substance) and academia (much substance, but isolated from most people's everyday lives). Positive Psychology, the scientific study of
optimal human functioning, creates a bridge between the Ivory Tower and Main Street, making rigorous

Harvard University - Positive Psicholgy Lecture (Lecture 7)

Leksione mbi Psikologjine Pozitive nga Universiteti i Harvardit.... Leksioni 7.

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Harvard University - Positive Psicholgy Lecture (Lecture 6)

Leksione mbi Psikologjine Pozitive nga Universiteti i Harvardit.... Leksioni 6.

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Harvard University - Positive Psicholgy Lecture (Lecture 5)

Leksione mbi Psikologjine Pozitive nga Universiteti i Harvardit.... Leksioni 5.

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Harvard University - Positive Psicholgy Lecture (Lecture 4)

Leksione mbi Psikologjine Pozitive nga Universiteti i Harvardit.... Leksioni 4.

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A jane shqiptaret skeptike dhe paragjykues ndaj psikologut...???

Shoqeria Shqiptare ka treguar se ngadale ngadale po pershtatet dhe po e pranon figuren e psikologut.  Zonat urbane e kane me te theksuar evoluimin social dhe pranimin e "fenomeneve" te reja, ndersa zonat rurale e kane ende te veshtire te behen pjese e ketij evoluimi.  Sido qofte, ende sot na shoqeron pyetja :
A jane shqiptaret skeptike dhe paragjykues ndaj psikologut...???

Harvard University - Positive Psicholgy Lecture (Lecture 3)

Per momentin kemi disa probleme me Leksionin 2 (qe shume shpejt do e rregullojme dhe do e postojme) ndaj po vazhdojme me leksionin 3...  zejeni sikur keni pire kafe ate ore leksioni... :D

Leksione mbi Psikologjine Pozitive nga Universiteti i Harvardit.... Leksioni 3.

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Harvard University - Positive Psicholgy Lecture (Lecture 1)

Leksione mbi Psikologjine Pozitive nga Universiteti i Harvardit.... Leksioni 1.

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Seth Klarman - Psychology of Leadership

Disa kohe me pare... kam qene dhe une pjese e nje kursi pak a shume si ky qe eshte bere diku ne U.S.A por mesa pashe ketu... nuk ka asnje lloj lidhjeje me nivelin e asaj cka didaktohet ketu dhe me cka une kam mesuar ne kursin ku kam qene i pranishem...

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Nuk e di se sa me interes do te pritet, por Al-Psy mendon te publikoje 23 leksione te Harvard University per Psikologjine Pozitive...
Nese do te jepnit reagimin tuaj, do te ndiheshim te vleresuar dhe te nxitur per t'i publikuar keto leksione...

Leksionet do te jene Anglisht, por Al-Psy do t'i mundesoje te 23 leksionet me titra shqip...


Matthew Lieberman, Ph.D. - Social Psychology Lecture

Te gjithe psikologet, ata qe studiojne psikologji e kane ender te jene per te pakten 1 ore leksioni ne universitetin e Harvard-it... ndaj per te plotesuar sado pak kete deshire... Al-Psy sjell 1 ore te plote leksioni per Psikologjine Sociale...

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Bobo Doll experiment (Bandura)

Eksperimenti i shumenjohur i Bandura-s...

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Terapia Okupacionale.

Nje shpjegim i shkurter i Terapise Okupacionale nga nje terapiste e kesaj "rryme"...

Eshte pershkrimi i shkurter por te meson shume...  Shikim te kendshem...

Video mundesohet dhe me titra shqip. Per te mesuar se si, kliko

Charlie Rose - A discussion about the legacy of Sigmund Freud

60 minuta diskutim... dhe meson me shume se 60 ore leksion...    Super diksutim... super informacion...

Fatkeqesisht kete video e kemi pa titra...

A discussion about the legacy of Sigmund Freud with Eric Kandel, Aaron Beck, Steven Roose & Peter Fonagy.

Si te shkarkojme libra nga Al-Psy.

Yale University - Overview of Autism (Leksion)

Te gjithe e dime qe shumica e psikologeve ne Shqiperi punojne me femijet Autike ose femijet me Probleme mendore.  Per fat te keq eshte e vertete, por gjithsesi...  per te gjithe keta psikologe... po publikojme nje video leksion nga Yale University per Autizimin...
Shikim te kendshem...

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Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory

Albert Bandura shpjegon personalisht teorine e tij.

Video mundesohet dhe me titra shqip. Per te mesuar se si, kliko:

The Placebo Effect.

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A placebo ( /pləˈsiboʊ/; Latin: I shall please) is a simulated or otherwise medically ineffectual treatment for a disease or other medical condition intended to deceive the recipient. Sometimes patients given a placebo treatment will have a perceived or actual improvement in a medical condition, a phenomenon commonly called the placebo effect.

In medical research, placebos are given as control treatments and depend on the use of measured deception.

Si t'i shikojme videot e postuara nga Al-Psy me titra shqip.

Videot e postuara nga Al-Psy tashme mund t'i shikoni me titra shqip.

Al-Psy e ofron per ju ne menyre qe t'i kuptoni te gjitha postimet video, sepse nje pjese e madhe e video-ve te postuara jane leksione.   Videon mund t'a gjeni dhe ne Tutorial (ne menu bar te blog-ut).


Martin Seligman on Positive Psychology.

Kur Click-oni play... ne te djathte te butonit "Play" lexon "30 language [off]... klikoni aty dhe do hapet nje liste... zgjidhni Albanian dhe video do te behet me titra shqip... Shikimi te kendshem.

Kjo video eshte nje leksion i nje prej profesoreve me te medhenj.  Ndjehuni per nje moment sikur jeni ne auditoret Amerikane...

Terapi me ne qender Klientin (pjesa e 1).

Pika me e dobet e te gjithe Studenteve qe studiojne psikologji eshte praktika.  Ndaj sot do te publikojme terapi per te mundesuar "pajisjen" e psikologeve me modele dhe per te pare ne menyre te pergjithshme se si fuksionion dhe si realizohet nje terapi.


Mendimi juaj per vrasesin ?

Krimi makabër ka zyrtarisht për autor të moshuarin, i njohur i familjes Vata, me vajzën e tretë të së cilës deklarohet se kishte marrëdhënie intime prej vitesh. I marrë në pyetje dhe i vënë përballë provave, ai ka rrëfyer masakrën, që nga momenti që e ka nxjerrë studenten nga shtëpia në mes të natës e deri te gjetja e kokës, vetëm 150 metra larg vendit ku u zbulua trupi i gjymtuar. Në asnjë moment i moshuari nuk ka pranuar se vajza ishte detyruar të kryente marrëdhënie me të, duke u shprehur se kishte ndodhur me pëlqimin e saj.

Shaban Norja, i cili ia kishte shitur tokën ku familja Vata ndërtoi shtëpinë vite më parë, pas shpërnguljes nga Kukësi, ka rrëfyer se ishte në dijeni të shtatzënisë së 18vjeçares. Sipas tij, ata ishin takuar dhe gjatë muajve të verës, kur vajza nuk ishte në shkollë, sidomos në orët e vona. Pikërisht natën kur ka ndodhur krimi, Shabani kishte folur me Ajshen në telefon,

Friedrich Nietzsche - Thus Spoke Zarathustra

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Thus Spoke Zarathustra: A Book for All and None (German: Also sprach Zarathustra: Ein Buch für Alle und Keinen) is a philosophical novel by German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, composed in four parts between 1883 and 1885. Much of the work deals with ideas such as the "eternal recurrence of the same", the parable on the "death of God", and the "prophecy" of the Overman, which were first introduced in The Gay Science.

Described by Nietzsche himself as "the deepest ever written", the book is a dense and esoteric treatise on philosophy and morality, featuring as protagonist a fictionalized Zarathustra. A central irony of the text is that Nietzsche mimics the style of the Bible in order to present ideas which fundamentally oppose Christian and Jewish morality and tradition.

Thus Spoke Zarathustra was conceived while Nietzsche was writing The Gay Science; he made a small note,

Viktor E. Frankl - Man's Search For Meaning

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When Beacon Press first published Man's Search for Meaning in 1959, Carl Rogers called it "one of the outstanding contributions to psychological thought in the last fifty years." In the thirty-three years since then, this book - at once a memoir, a self-help book, and a psychology manual - has become a classic that has sold more than three million copies in English language editions. Man's Search for Meaning tells the chilling and inspirational story of eminent psychiatrist Viktor Frankl, who was imprisoned at Auschwitz and other concentration camps for three years during the Second World War. Immersed in great suffering and loss, Frankl began to wonder why some of his fellow prisoners were able not only to survive the horrifying conditions, but to grow in the process. Frankl's conclusion - that the most basic human motivation is the will to meaning - became the basis of his groundbreaking psychological theory,

Anders Agmo - Functional and Dysfunctional Sexual Behavior

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This book explores the full consequences of the dissociation between sexual behaviors and reproduction. Among the themes covered is the difference between the stereotyped sexual behaviors in non-human mammals and the astounding variety of human sexual behaviors. The role of learning in shaping sexual behaviors is explained, and it is shown how particular sexual experiences may be at the origin of common human sexual dysfunctions. .
Chapters on sexual incentives and a summary of the endocrine and central nervous control of sexual behaviors are included.

. Analyzes the origin and foundations of some of the myths surrounding sexual behaviors
. Highlights how learning shape human sexual behaviors

Psychology Test Practice Book

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GRE Psychology Test Practice Book (Graduate Record Examinations, contains one actual full-length GRE Psychology Test, test-taking strategies, test structure and content, test instructions and answering procedures, compare your practice test results)

This practice book contains:
* one actual full-length GRE Psychology Test
* test-taking strategies

Become familiar with

The Bucket List - Film

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Blue-collar mechanic Carter Chambers (Freeman) and billionaire hospital magnate Edward Cole (Nicholson) meet for the first time in the hospital after both have been diagnosed with cancer. They become friends as they undergo their respective treatments. Carter is a gifted amateur historian and family man who had wanted to become a history professor, but in his youth had been "broke, black, and with a baby on the way" and thus never rose above his job at the McCreath body shop. Edward is a four-times-divorced healthcare tycoon and cultured loner who enjoys nothing more than tormenting his personal valet/servant, Matthew (Hayes), whom he calls Thomas. He makes Matthew serve Carter as well as him and orders his employee and doctor (Morrow) to familiarize himself with Carter's health.

Cathy A. Malchiodi - Handbook of Art Therapy

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This essential handbook provides a complete and practical overview of art therapy: how it works, how it can be used, and with whom. Demonstrated are interventions for children, adolescents, and adults facing a variety of clinical problems and life challenges. Case-based chapters from leading practitioners illuminate major theoretical perspectives, including psychoanalytic, cognitive-behavioral, developmental, and other approaches. Also examined is what current research in psychology and neuroscience can tell us about the scientific basis for art therapy. Discussing applications in individual psychotherapy, couple and family treatment, and group work, the Handbook includes over 100 samples of drawings and other artwork. The process of art therapy is illustrated in helping clients manage and cope with such problems as trauma, sexual abuse, developmental and learning disabilities, drug and alcohol misuse, serious

Ian Verstegen - Arnheim, Gestalt and Art: A Psychological Theory

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Arnheim, Gestalt and Art is the first book-length discussion of the powerful thinking of the psychologist of art, Rudolf Arnheim. Written as a complete overview of Arnheim’s thinking, it covers fundamental issues of the importance of psychological discussion of the arts, the status of gestalt psychology, the various sense modalities and media, and developmental issues. By proceeding in a direction from general to specific and then proceeding through dynamic processes as they unfold in time (creativity, development, etc.), the book discovers an unappreciated unity to Arnheim’s thinking. Not content to simply summarize Arnheim’s theory, however, Arnheim, Art, and Gestalt goes on to enrich (and occasionally question) Arnheim’s findings with the contemporary results of gestalt-theoretical research from around the world, but especially in

Analyze That - Film

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Near the completion of his sentence in Sing Sing prison, Paul Vitti's life is threatened by assassins and corrupt guards while incarcerated. He fakes insanity and starts singing showtunes from West Side Story to get the attention of Ben Sobel, who previously hung up on him while attending his father's funeral. The FBI calls in Ben to see if Vitti is really insane. This appears to be the case, and Ben gets permission to take Vitti out of prison, into his own custody, for more therapy. On their way out in Sobel's car, Vitti reveals that he faked it. Needing some therapy himself after his father's death, a grieving Sobel talks Vitti into finding a regular job (as per FBI request). Vitti attempts to find a legitimate job (he tries his luck at a car dealership, a restaurant, and a jewelry store), but his rude manners and paranoia mess things up.  At the same time, he also discovers that the Rigazzi family is who wants him dead. He reacts to this by telling the Rigazzis that he is

Analyze this - Film

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Analyze This.

Ben Sobol, Psychiatrist, has a few problems: His son spies on his patients when they open up their heart, his parents don't want to attend his upcoming wedding and his patients' problems don't challenge him at all. 
Paul Vitti, Godfather, has a few problems as well: Sudden anxiety attacks in public, a certain disability to kill people and his best part ceasing service when needed. One day, Ben unfortunately crashes into one of Vitti's cars. 
The exchange of Ben's business card is followed by a business visit of Don Paul Vitti himself, who wants to be free of inner conflict within two weeks, before all the

Red Lights - Film (me dhe pa titra shqip)

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Filmi me titra shqip eshte mundesuar nga

Veteran paranormal researchers Dr. Margaret Matheson (Sigourney Weaver) and Tom Buckley (Cillian Murphy) debunk fraudulent claims of ghost whispering, faith healing and other psychic phenomena by detecting what Matheson calls "red lights," the subtle tricks behind every staged supernatural occurrence. But when the legendary blind psychic Simon Silver (Robert De Niro)comes out of retirement after 30 years, his once-fearless adversary Matheson warns Buckley to back off, fearing reprisal from the powerful Silver.

David G.Myers - Exploring Psychology

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Far and away the bestselling brief introduction to psychology, David Myers' Exploring Psychology doesn't just present the story of the psychology. It involves students deeply in that story, as they learn to think critically about psychology’s core ideas, breakthrough research findings, and wide-ranging applications to their lives and the world around them.

The new Eighth Edition is both classic Myers and cutting-edge psychological science, a rich presentation more than ever before, helps students develop the critical thinking skills they need to make their encounters with psychological science successful and personally enriching. The most extensively revision to date, the Eighth Edition features many hundreds of new research citations, over 40% new photos, and state-of-the-art media and supplements—plus an all new critical

Irvin D. Yalom - The Schopenhauer Cure

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At one time or another, all of us have wondered what we'd do in the face of death. Suddenly confronted with his own mortality after a routine check-up, distinguished psychotherapist Julius Hertzfeld is forced to reexamine his life and work. He feels compelled to contact his patients of long ago. Has he really made an enduring difference in their lives? 
And what about the patients he failed to help? 
What has happened to them? Now that he was wiser and riper, can he rescue them yet?

Reaching beyond the safety of his thriving San Francisco practice, Julius feels compelled to seek out Philip Slate, whom he treated for sex addiction some twenty-three years earlier. At that time, Philip's only means of connecting to humans was through brief sexual interludes with countless women, and Julius's therapy did not change that.

David G. Myers - The American Paradox (Spiritual Hunger in an Age of Plenty)

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David G. Myers - The American Paradox (Spiritual Hunger in an Age of Plenty)

Since 1960 we have experienced the great American paradox: While material affluence and human rights have surged, national civic health was, until recently, falling. InThe American Paradox: Spiritual Hunger in an Age of Plenty, David Myers explores this paradox. He also reviews current renewal efforts and documents links between faith and social well-being.

David's overarching aim is to contribute to a new environmental movement—a social environmental

CV Example

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CV Example

Si ne gjithe vendet e botes, ashtu edhe ne Shqiperi punesimi nis me dorezimin e nje CV-e.

CV dhe letra e motivimit jane dy elemente shume te fuqishem qe sjellin punesimin.  Sot koha e menaxhereve te kompanive eshte bere teper e kufizuar dhe nuk i mjafton qe te intervistoje te gjithe ata qe kerkojne te punesohen ne kompanine e tij, ndaj pjesa me e madhe e pergjegjesise bie mbi CV.

Te pregatitesh nje CV nuk eshte dhe aq e thjeshte.  Duhet qe cdo gje te jete e pregatitur mire, e vendosur sipas radhes dhe te jene te koncetruara mire.  Ne Shqiperi ende nuk jane perhapur trajnimet qe behen per

Mike Bryon - Ultimate Psychometric Tests

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Mike Bryon - Ultimate Psychometric Tests

The use of psychometric tests in selection and assessment procedures is on the rise. For unprepared interviewees, tests represent a considerable challenge and many more people fail than pass. "Ultimate Psychometric Tests" will help you to stand out from the crowd. Designed for self-study, the range of questions provide an excellent opportunity for practice. They will help you to improve your technique as well as boosting your confidence prior to taking a test in a real-life assessment situation. Types of test include: verbal and numerical reasoning, personality questionnaires, non-verbal reasoning (including diagrammatic reasoning), mechanical comprehension and IQ

Dr. Temple Grandin, Sean Barron - Unwritten Rules of Social Relationships (Decoding Social Mysteries Through the Unique Prespectives of Autism)

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Dr. Temple Grandin, Sean Barron - Unwritten Rules of Social Relationships (Decoding Social Mysteries Through the Unique Prespectives of Autism)

Born with autism, both authors now famously live successful social lives, But their paths were very different. Temple’s logical mind controlled her social behavior. She interacted with many adults and other children, experiencing varied social situations. Logic informed her decision to obey social rules and avoid unpleasant consequences. Sean’ emotions controlled his social behavior. Baffled by social rules, isolated and friendless, he made up his own, and applied them to others. When they inevitably broke his rules, he felt worthless and unloved. Both Temple and Sean ultimately came to terms with the social world

Carl Rogers - On Becoming a Person: A Therapist's View of Psychotherapy

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Carl Rogers - On Becoming a Person: A Therapist's View of Psychotherapy

The late Carl Rogers, founder of the humanistic psychology movement, revolutionized psychotherapy with his concept of "client-centered therapy." His influence has spanned decades, but that influence has become so much a part of mainstream psychology that the ingenious nature of his work has almost been forgotten. 
A new introduction by Peter Kramer sheds light on the significance of Dr. Rogers's work today. New discoveries in the field of psychopharmacology, especially that of the antidepressant Prozac, have spawned a quick-fix drug revolution that has obscured the psychotherapeutic relationship. 
As the pendulum slowly swings back toward an appreciation of the therapeutic encounter, Dr. Rogers's

B.F. Skinner - Science and Human Behavior

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The psychology classic—a detailed study of scientific theories of human nature and the possible ways in which human behavior can be predicted and controlled—from one of the most influential behaviorists of the twentieth century and the author of Walden Two.

“This is an important book, exceptionally well written, and logically consistent with the basic premise of the unitary nature of science. Many students of society and culture would take violent issue with most of the things that Skinner has to say, but even those who disagree most will find this a stimulating book.” —Samuel M. Strong,The American Journal of Sociology

“This is a remarkable book—remarkable in that it presents a strong, consistent, and all but exhaustive case

Jean Piaget - The Child's Conception of the World

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Jean Piaget - The Child's Conception of the World

Jean Piaget was one of the most salient and inspirational figures in psychological and educational research of the 20th century. He was also prolific, authoring or editing over 80 books and numerous journals and papers which spawned a continuation of his work over the following decades. His work now compromises a major component of many courses on children's psychological development and in a research tradition which is expanding, scholars may need access to the original texts rather than secondhand accounts. This volume is the last of nine reproducing Piaget's original works - they are also available as a boxed set.

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Jean Piaget - The Moral Judgment of the Child

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Jean Piaget - The moral judgment of the child.

The seminal book by this century's most important developmental psychologist chronicles the evolution of children's moral thinking from preschool to adolescence, tracing their concepts of lying, cheating, adult authority, punishment, and responsibility and offering important insights into how they learn -- or fail to learn -- the difference between right and wrong.

Libri nuk eshte ne versionin electronik, i mundshem per t'u edit-uar.  Libri eshte ne formatin PHOTOBOOK, qe do te thote se mund te lexohet dhe te printohet lirshem, por nuk mund ta edit-osh.

Alfer Adler - The Science of Living

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2011 - Reprint of 1930.
Full facsimile of the original edition, not reproduced with Optical Recognition Software. Adler left behind many theories and practices that very much influenced the world of psychiatry. Today these concepts are known as Adlerian psychology. His theories focused on the feelings of inferiority, and how each person tries to overcome such feelings by overcompensating (trying too hard to make up for what is lacking). Adler claimed that an individual's lifestyle becomes established by the age of four or five, and he stressed the importance of social forces, or the child's environment, on the development of behavior. He believed that each person is born with the ability to relate to other people and realize the importance of society as a whole. As a therapist, Adler was a teacher who focused on a patient's mental health, not sickness. Adler encouraged self-improvement by pinpointing the error in patients' lives and correcting it. He thought of himself as an enabler, one who guides the patient

Body Language for Dummies

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Body Language for Dummies

 If you are puzzled by other people or want to improve the impression you give, knowing about body language could be the key. In this book you'll discover how the body reveals what people really mean and how you can use your body and your expressions to improve your self-image to others. It explores why we give the signals we do, how to read the most common expressions and goes on to show how you can use your new understanding of body language for success at work, in relationships and

Measuring Bullying Victimization, Perpetration, and Bystander Experiences

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Bullying, particularly among school-age children, is a major public health problem. This compendium provides researchers, prevention specialists, and health educators with tools to measure a range of bullying experiences: bully perpetration, bully victimization, bully-victim experiences, and bystander experiences. Some researchers continue to examine the risk and protective factors associated with bullying experiences. Others are working to design, implement, and evaluate bully prevention interventions aimed at reducing bully victimization and perpetration, as well as increasing prosocial bystander involvement in bullying situations. The ability to measure bullying experiences broadly and completely is crucial to the success of these activities. This compendium represents a starting point from which researchers can consider a set of psychometrically-sound


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Using contemporary examples from primary sources, RESEARCH METHODS IN PSYCHOLOGY, Ninth Edition, encourages students to become engaged in the basics of scientific investigation through an example-based approach. This text displays the authors' commitment to ensuring that the student has a thorough understanding of the research process from the very beginning. Highly readable, it avoids the heavy statistical tone that some introductory students find difficult to understand. Rather, it is conceptually driven to offer students a big picture view of the experimental approach to research. Empirical examples and applications are consistently used throughout to foster critical-thinking skills. In many chapters, a unifying empirical example at the

KATC Family Guide (Autism)

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The Kentucky Autism Training Center (KATC), a part of the University of Louisville's College of Education and Human Development, is pleased to introduce Kentucky's Family Guide to Autism Spectrum Disorders. This comprehensive guide was developed by parents, professionals and individuals with autism spectrum disorders to answer the question: "When your child was first diagnosed, what information did you need most?"

The KATC honors the compassion of Dr. Pinkstaff by dedicating the second edition of the Kentucky’s Family Guide to Autism Spectrum Disorders to his memory.
Dr. Thomas Pinkstaff, a longtime Lexington pediatrician, passed away April 12, 2009. During his long career in pediatrics, Dr. Pinkstaff was an active member on a wide range of associations, committees and boards,

Adult Autism Strategy

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The Department of Health’s A Better Future — A consultation on a future strategy for adults with autistic spectrum conditions has attracted responses from a wide range of people and institutions, including people with an autistic spectrum condition (ASC), their families and carers, professionals involved with people with an ASC, and campaigning organisations. Respondents to this consultation commented on some or all of the questions posed in the consultation either via the standard consultation, the easy-read version or sometimes both.
Throughout the responses to all questions, respondents express frustration at the way people with an ASC are so little understood not only by the public at large, but often by the professionals who determine the care they receive and the quality of their lives in terms of housing, education and employment. A theme which emerges in response after response is a sense that there needs to be a concerted effort to raise awareness and understanding both of what it means to have an ASC, and what it means to be the carer of someone with an ASC.
There is a strong sense in responses that this increase in understanding needs to include more differentiation

Educating Children with Autism

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Children with autism are challenged by the most essential human behaviors. They have difficulty interacting with other people-often failing to see people as people rather than simply objects in their environment. They cannot easily communicate ideas and feelings, have great trouble imagining what others think or feel, and in some cases spend their lives speechless. They frequently find it hard to make friends or even bond with family members. Their behavior can seem bizarre.

Education is the primary form of treatment for this mysterious condition. This means that we place important responsibilities on schools, teachers and children's parents, as well as the other professionals who work with children with autism. With the passage of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 1975, we accepted responsibility for educating children who face special challenges like autism. While we have since amassed a substantial body of research, researchers have not adequately communicated with one another, and their findings have not been integrated into a proven curriculum.

Educating Children with Autism outlines an interdisciplinary approach to education for children with autism. The committee explores what makes education effective for the child with autism and identifies specific

Zimmermann - Autism Current Theories and Evidence (Humana 2008)

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Creative thinking and collaborative scientific research have advanced our understanding of autism, and we are now beginning to synthesize the data into evidence and theories. Autism: Current Theories and Evidence presents current theories about autism and the evidence that supports them. The goal is to show how the scientific method is revealing the biological bases of this spectrum of disorders, thereby leading the way to their treatment and prevention using evidence-based medicine. This book has 20 chapters divided into 6 sections: Molecular and Clinical Genetics; Neurotransmitters and Cell Signaling; Endocrinology, Growth and Metabolism; Immunology, Maternal-Fetal Effects and Neuroinflammation; Neuroanatomy, Imaging and Neural networks; and Environmental Mechanisms and Models. The subjects cover a wide range of current scientific work in the field of autism, with strong and growing evidence to support them, and demonstrate both the breadth and depth of current autism research. The reader is encouraged to consider how theories and the scientific method, in the

Autism Spectrum Disorders A Handbook for Parents and Professionals

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With the increased number of children being diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders, parents and professionals are in search of materials that provide information that will enable them to better understand affected children. While in the past individuals who were diagnosed had limited verbal and intellectual skills, newly diagnosed children often have good language skills and even areas of giftedness. This A-to-Z work contains original entries on the topic of Autism Spectrum Disorders. Entries include facts about disabilities, personal and historic perspectives, interventions, assessments, educational methods, trusted internet resources, and national organizations. The work outlines the contributions of founding researchers and other professionals and includes personal perspectives from individuals with ASD and their parents. It also includes lesson plans that can be implemented in ahome, school, or community setting. No other such

Handbook of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders Diagnosis Development Neurobiology

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Now expanded to two volumes, this invaluable reference work provides a comprehensive review of all information presently available about these disorders, drawing on findings and clinical experience from a number of related disciplines such as psychiatry, psychology, neurobiology, pediatrics, etc. The Handbook covers descriptive and diagnostic characteristics, biological contributions, intervention techniques, legal and social issues. The Third Edition is updated to include the newest work in animal models, genetics, neuropsychological processes, screening and assessment methods.

Alfred Adler - Anthropognosia (Greqisht)

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Αλφρεντ Αντλερ - Ανθρωπογνωσια.
Η ατομική ψυχολογία του Άντλερ, μαζί με την ψυχολογία του βάθους του Σίγκμουντ Φρόυντ και την αναλυτική ψυχολογία του Γιούγκ, αποτελούν τα θεμέλια της σύγχρονης ψυχολογίας. Γνώσεις και απόψεις που αποκόμισε ο Άντλερ ως γιατρός στη Βιέννη, σχηματίζουν το σπουδαιότερο μέρος των αρχών της ψυχολογίας του. Στην ψυχολογία αυτή αναζήτησε ο Άντλερ να συλλάβη το νόμο της ψυχικής εξέλιξης του ανθρώπου.

Alfred Adler - Il Senso Della Vita (Italisht)

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In questa seconda edizione dell’ultima opera di Adler, in cui Egli sintetizza la sua Psicologia Individuale e la sua visione del mondo, abbiamo cercato di rendere in modo più chiaro e fedele il suo pensiero rivedendo in alcuni punti il testo della precedente edizione italiana del 1997 ed aggiungendo qualche nota e l’indice analitico. Speriamo così di aver reso più facili la consultazione e lo studio.

Abbiamo ritenuto, invece, che le appendici, presenti nella prima edizione e dirette in modo specifico a psicoanalisti, psicologi e pedagogisti, debbano essere accorpate nei libri che Adler ha dedicato alla tecnica analitica ed alla pedagogia terapeutica. Leggendo …, così, nessuno avrà la tentazione di improvvisarsi psicoterapeuta e sarà più chiaro che questa esposizione dei fondamenti della Psicologia Individuale è destinata al confronto con i principi generali di altre teorie psicodinamiche e filosofiche e con il senso che ognuno di noi da alla vita.

Egidio Ernesto Marasco

Graham Richards - The key Concepts

Psychology: The Key Concepts is a comprehensive overview of 200 concepts central to a solid understanding of Psychology and includes the latest recommendations from the British Psychology Society (BPS). The focus is on practical uses of Psychology in settings such as nursing, education and human resources, with topics ranging from Gender to Psychometrics and Perception.